Monday, September 29, 2008

Pity Party

Yes, boys and girls, it's that lovely time of week, again. Time for me to feel sorry for myself. The absolute, worst, nonproductive, thing I could possibly do. Well, except suicide. But I am so incredibly depressed. It may even go beyond that. I wonder if people who are depressed think that the word "depressed" doesn't do them justice. That's how I feel. How could that one word explain the vast array of emotions I feel on a daily basis? But I digress...

Cliche of the day: "When you hit bottom, there's nowhere to go but up." That's all fine and good, but how do you know when you hit bottom? There is so much terror in the thought that this may not even be my bottom. "Look on the bright side, things could always be worse." Fuck.

I'm in a bad place...

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