Thursday, July 2, 2009

Choices are Hard

I'd rather just stay in bed and watch independent films all day. My life is a broken record and to drive that point home, I'd like to write about my current university. I should probably give it a name, however I'm not sure what name would describe the fierceness for which I loathe it. Hell University would be too blah. It's time for the lessons I learned in Creative Writing to kick in. Oh, yeah, I didn't really learn any lessons (although it was a ton of fun and I did build some writing confidence). So, I'm trying to think of something good. If anybody has suggestions, let me know. Or I may just go with Slitting My Achilles Tendon with a Dull Knife University. To shorten it, I'll refer to it as SMATWADKU.

So, the oh-so-competent administrative staff at SMATWADKU have royally fucked up my financial aid to the tune of me now owing over $3000. I've tried to call them on numerous occasions and I just get transferred from dept to dept, each stating that it's the other department's job, and nothing is getting done. Looks like I'm going to have to drive my ass down there (about 20 miles away) in my gas-hog of a vehicle, hopefully find a parking space that's within 10 miles of the building I need to go to, sign in, and wait about 1 hour just to see some dumb fuck who's probably not going to be able to help me anyway.

And I feel like I'm having issues with unrequited love, although there is really no one to blame in the situation which only makes it even more intolerable. But saying that it is unrequited is probably inaccurate, anyway. I guess it's does exist, it just cannot be acted upon. I don't know which of the two is worse...

Life is good.


Unknown said...

Oh, so Colbert is unavailable...

Medusa said...

Sadly, yes. Story of my life...